South Beach Diet Planning

South Beach Diet Approved Fast Food Restaurants

Are there really South Beach Diet approved fast food restaurants where you can get a good meal and stick to your diet? Actually, there are things you can eat at most restaurants that will allow you to stick to your diet and have a good time eating out with friends and family.

Eating Out on the South Beach Diet

Most people recommend that you do not try to eat out anywhere during the first phase of the South Beach Diet because you're still learning the system. You may become frustrated over the lack of choices or decide to splurge on an unhealthy meal rather than finding something that fits your diet.

In phase one you'd really only be able to have something like a plain chicken breast cooked in olive oil, so it probably is better for you to avoid temptation and eat at home whenever possible.

As you become more comfortable with the requirements for the South Beach Diet, however, you can find foods at most restaurants that are allowed in the later phases of the diet.

While there are no particular South Beach Diet approved fast food restaurants, there are options almost anywhere that can keep you on track.

South Beach Diet Approved Fast Food Restaurants Choices

The South Beach Diet is a low-carb diet, so anywhere that offers low-carb options is going to be a great choice. The good news is, more and more family restaurants, and even fast food places, are seeing the importance of catering to low-carb dieters and have special sections of their menus that offer low-carb selections.

Gone are the days of having to order a burger and not eat the bun. There are many other choices available, though at fast food restaurants many of them are salads.

Fast food chains from McDonald's to Subway offer numerous salad choices. Choose one with grilled (not fried) chicken or turkey, leave off the croutons and choose a light dressing (or pack your own low-carb dressing to use).

At Taco Bell you can choose "Fresco Style" meals, which use salsa instead of cheese. Take off the sour cream as well and don't eat the tortilla or shell and you'll be in good shape.

Burger King allows you to order that burger without a bun—but now it's served in a salad bowl with a knife and fork to make it easier for you. So you really can find South Beach Diet approved fast food choices at just about any restaurant.

Tips for Dining Out on South Beach

Whether you're going to a fast food chain or a sit-down restaurant, it pays to be prepared when you're on a diet. Most major restaurants have nutritional information and menus posted online, so you can get an idea in advance what you'll be able to order.

If you eat out a lot, consider investing in the South Beach Diet Dining Guide, which provides diet-approved menu choices for hundreds of chain restaurants as well as local restaurants in some of the biggest cities in the United States.

Choose a salad or light soup as your entrée or before the main meal to make you feel fuller and cause you to eat less of the higher-calorie stuff. Make sure you avoid bread, and if you're at a restaurant that offers free rolls or breadsticks, have yours taken away.

If possible, eat a little protein before you go out so you won't feel so hungry when you get to the restaurant. This will help you make better choices as well.

Don't feel like you have to avoid desert either. Many fast food restaurants offer fruit cups or yogurt, which can serve as a satisfying dessert without adding a lot of calories.

Eating out while following the South Beach Diet is not impossible. You'll be able to find good tings to eat no matter where you are, even if you're in a rush.